
29 Weeks

On Saturday I became 29 weeks into my pregnancy. Which is almost the end of the 7th month, meaning 11 more weeks to go. I'm so exited I really cant wait. My mom says that as time gets closer, time will go by slower, especially if it goes passed the due date. As I was reading yesterday I finally got to the section that talks about 7 months, I found so many facts I didn't know about. Like that my son is between the size of a honeydew melon and a spaghetti squash right now. The baby's brain and nervous system are almost mature, and he can suck on his thumb. I think its pretty funny that being inside of me he can recognize my voice. Not only is he aware of familiar voices but he is also aware of the changes in light. He can now open and close his eyes and his eye lashes are growing, and since he's a boy his testicles are forming. Since I'm getting closer to my due date my uterus is now 3 to 4 inches above my belly button, and the baby is getting crowded in there. In the book it mentions how most babies will settle into a head down position, and some stay that way for the rest of the pregnancy. And now that I remember on Monday when i went to the hospital and they did the ultrasound Raymond was in a head down position. But not only is Raymond going through some changes but I am as well. Like one of the big thins is getting harder for me to sleep, and heartburn especially when I eat a lot of hot stuff which I cant help. Another big thing is that I'm suppose to be gaining 3 to 4 pounds, I already feel fat and I keep telling myself it's because I'm pregnant but it wont go through my head. Other changes that say in the book is feet, ankles and hand swelling, but I haven't gotten to that part yet. Well like I said 11 more weeks for Raymond to be out, Finally!!

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