
Staying Healthy After Pregnancy

When I was in class Maria was telling me that I should buy a corset or something so that I wont get a gut, which is the last thing I want. So I started researching ways I can stay healthy after I give birth and found a lot of tips. There was a tip I came across that really caught my attention. "It took nine months to get there. It should take at least that long to get back to their fighting weight." Meaning your not going to go back to your old body right away its going to take time. Specially if you don't stay healthy and take care of yourself, like not eating right or exercising. Its easier to loss weight faster if you only gained between 25-35 pound in the pregnancy. Then if you were overweight before the pregnancy or put on more weight then needed during pregnancy. In the research I found a lot of interesting tips, like not going on an official diet. The reason is because playing the new role of a mother can already cause so much stress and adding the fact that you wont be able to eat right can cause you to gain more weight. A big tip for losing weight is breastfeeding, studies have been done and it is said that brestfeeding can help you return to your pre-pregnancy weight faster. Im so glad I decided to look up all this information, since none of it was in the book i wouldn't had known. And knowing myself I would have put myself on a strict diet.

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