

I went a month from hiding this big news from my family. It was really hard keeping a secret this big. The only people that knew was my close
friends, my uncle Francisco, and my cousin Lily. I couldn't hold it in much longer, had to tell my parents before I started showing. Luckily I was 4 months and not showing what so ever, till this day I'm not even that big. For the 4th of July my family decided to go camping down to Sand Lake, Oregon. My family is really close, we go camping often with our whole family and our quads. This was a good time to let them know what was going on, but I was really scared. I thought they were going to go off on me specially my parents. With my uncles help we gathered my parents at the bonfire. I got behind my uncle and started crying, words wouldn't even come out my mouth. I remember my dad saying "que ya saliste con tu regalo?" meaning "what your already pregnant?" I looked at my mom and she was in tears, I went over to hug her and we hugged for a very long time. My parents weren't as mad as I thought they would be, they were mostly disappointed in me. After all the crying and the yelling, the long speech came. They started off saying how they didn't expect this from me, that I had so much going for me, and how my life was going to change drastically. Then the questions came, about what I was planning on doing, how I was going to do it, about the baby's dad and so many more. Thing went better then i expected, they were in shock for a couple days and now they are really happy and cant wait for the baby to come.

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