
Challenging Labors and Cesarean Birth

The Chapter i been reading about has to do with the different types of labor and cesarean births. It also gives out tips on different ways to make labor easy. One type of labor would be inducing labor, in other words starting labor when it doesn't start on its own. That is when the doctor uses medical methods instead of letting it start on its own. Another medical term for inducing labor is induction. The doctor should give medical reasons for inducing labor and you have to make sure you know the reason before agreeing. My grandma had this type of labor when giving birth to my mom. She had it a couple weeks before the due date only because my grandpa would be present. And that was the only birth of his my grandpa assisted, because he was a sailor and had to go out to sea a lot he missed on all his children's birth except my mom's. In the book it talks about things you can do when labor is slow to star. Like walking, Castor oil, sex or rubbing your nipples. Walking helps out more when your having prelabor contractions and it keeps labor going rather then starting it. Castor oil is an old method women use to use to start labor because of its strong smell. The only problem is the side effects which is bad cramping and diarrhea. Sex causes contractions especially when you have an orgasm. Semen can also help because of its substance in it called prostaglandi, which is the same thing the body makes so that the cervix becomes softer. But you just cant have sex if the your water hasn't broken.

1 comment:

  1. Just to let you know, I am reading this regularly. Your posts are really interesting-I am learning a lot about pregnancy and about you! The story you posted about your mother is really beautiful. It would be great to publish these stories-maybe we can put something together at New Start, like a little book of stories about immigration?
    You do need to proof read a little more. I think if you make sure to reread each post, you will catch the typos.
    Good job Cristina!
